


What To Wear For Winter Hiking

What To Wear For Winter Hiking

With decreasing temperatures, the number of hikers is falling as well. Not everyone is a fan of winter hiking and many times people think that it is just for the most devoted outdoor enthusiasts who don't mind wading through the snow and being outside in freezing temperatures. Cold weather might even be the most commont reason why people rather wait inside till spring. Right clothing, though, will keep you comfortable and safe all day long, even when it's freezing.

Get Ready for Your Spring Hike with Merino Clothes

Get Ready for Your Spring Hike with Merino Clothes

After a long dreary winter, spring is finally here! And what better way to enjoy it than to hike in nature? As you gear up for your hike, remember the importance of wearing the right clothes. Merino wool is an excellent choice for hiking clothes in the spring. It is lightweight, breathable, and warm even when wet. This blog post will explain the best merino clothes for spring hiking.