

Wonderful qualities of merino wool

Wonderful qualities of merino wool

Nowadays, merino wool is getting more and more popular – not only for knitting sweaters, but also for outdoor apparel, active wear as well as everyday clothing. Why is this natural material considered to be a fibre of future?

How to choose the perfect transition jacket for spring hiking

How to choose the perfect transition jacket for spring hiking

Spring is a time of renewal, but it can also be a time of transition. We are no longer bundled up in heavy coats, but we still need to be prepared for cooler weather while we're out and about. Transition jackets provide you with much-needed warmth without the bulkiness that comes with winter wear. In this article, we will advise you on what to look for when choosing a transition jacket so that you feel comfortable on spring hiking and, at the same time, are sufficiently protected from adverse weather.

Get Ready for Your Spring Hike with Merino Clothes

Get Ready for Your Spring Hike with Merino Clothes

After a long dreary winter, spring is finally here! And what better way to enjoy it than to hike in nature? As you gear up for your hike, remember the importance of wearing the right clothes. Merino wool is an excellent choice for hiking clothes in the spring. It is lightweight, breathable, and warm even when wet. This blog post will explain the best merino clothes for spring hiking.

Five Useful Tips For A Winter Hike

Five Useful Tips For A Winter Hike

One should never understimate mountains and that's especially true in winter. The key is to be prepared. Good preparation leads to great adventures, but sometimes it also helps to protect one's health and even life. In spite of harsher conditions and perhaps a heavier backpack, winter hiking can be truly magical and more and more people are starting to realize that.

7 Superpowers Of Merino Wool:  What's The Secret?

7 Superpowers Of Merino Wool: What's The Secret?

Merino wool is the basis of all our items. Why? Simply because it is wonderful and it works exactly as you need no matter whether you are out exploring the mountains, travelling or strolling the city. You can rely on its peformance under all circumstances so nothing limits your adventures. Merino wool fibre has no competitor – neither of natural nor synthetic origin. So what is the secret?